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Apartments 3 Bedrooms in Casserres
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Apartments 3 Bedrooms in Casserres
Duplex 3 Bedrooms
Casserres, Barcelona
Remodelled · 124m²
240.000 €
In INMOGLOBALBCN we present this magnificent duplex in Casserres with magnificent views.
At the entrance we find a room of 20m2, then a double room of 15m2 with built-in wardrobe, a double room of 14m2 and another double room of 11m2, followed by a bathroom
On the second floor we find a laundry room of 3m2, a large dining room-kitchen of 33m2 with access to a terrace of 21m2 and unbeatable mountain views. Followed by a bathroom.
Renovated apartment with double glazed windows, anti-radiation technology, aerothermal installation, thermal insulation with rock wool on the walls, rustic style and design. Quality finishes.
Casserres is surrounded by the terms d’Àvia, L’Espunyola, Viver i Serrateix, Gironella, and Puig-reig: at the ends it is crossed by the streams of Clara and Merola. The term of 28.9 Km, is formed by the village of Casserres and the rural enclaves of Fonogedell, Sant Pau de Casserres and the textile colonies of Ametlla de Casserres and El Guixaró, at the foot of the Llobregat River.
The name comes from the Latin ’castri sierras’, which means Sierras del castillo. The main population center is the town of Casserres together with the rural enclaves of Fonogedell, Sant Pau de Casserres and the textile colonies of Ametlla de Casserres and Guixaró.
The municipality is characterized by having a relatively small urban nucleus, with a very ancient origin, and a dispersed settlement linked to the agricultural economy, also of long tradition. Also for having maintained the classic architectural structures, without having penetrated the fashions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, apart from the creation of the colonies and some historical elements such as the church of Roser or the Torre del Amo of the colony of l’Ametlla.
The different trails that surround the municipality provide great views and pleasures of nature, ideal to enjoy with the family.
At INMOGLOBALBCN we accompany you to make the best decision. Consult with our advisors.
In INMOGLOBALBCN we advise you so that you can find the best financing options, we offer you a financial study so you can buy the home of your dreams.
In INMOGLOBALBCN we also offer reform, decoration and painting services. Ask our consultants for a quote.
At the entrance we find a room of 20m2, then a double room of 15m2 with built-in wardrobe, a double room of 14m2 and another double room of 11m2, followed by a bathroom
On the second floor we find a laundry room of 3m2, a large dining room-kitchen of 33m2 with access to a terrace of 21m2 and unbeatable mountain views. Followed by a bathroom.
Renovated apartment with double glazed windows, anti-radiation technology, aerothermal installation, thermal insulation with rock wool on the walls, rustic style and design. Quality finishes.
Casserres is surrounded by the terms d’Àvia, L’Espunyola, Viver i Serrateix, Gironella, and Puig-reig: at the ends it is crossed by the streams of Clara and Merola. The term of 28.9 Km, is formed by the village of Casserres and the rural enclaves of Fonogedell, Sant Pau de Casserres and the textile colonies of Ametlla de Casserres and El Guixaró, at the foot of the Llobregat River.
The name comes from the Latin ’castri sierras’, which means Sierras del castillo. The main population center is the town of Casserres together with the rural enclaves of Fonogedell, Sant Pau de Casserres and the textile colonies of Ametlla de Casserres and Guixaró.
The municipality is characterized by having a relatively small urban nucleus, with a very ancient origin, and a dispersed settlement linked to the agricultural economy, also of long tradition. Also for having maintained the classic architectural structures, without having penetrated the fashions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, apart from the creation of the colonies and some historical elements such as the church of Roser or the Torre del Amo of the colony of l’Ametlla.
The different trails that surround the municipality provide great views and pleasures of nature, ideal to enjoy with the family.
At INMOGLOBALBCN we accompany you to make the best decision. Consult with our advisors.
In INMOGLOBALBCN we advise you so that you can find the best financing options, we offer you a financial study so you can buy the home of your dreams.
In INMOGLOBALBCN we also offer reform, decoration and painting services. Ask our consultants for a quote.
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