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2 Properties for Sale, Apartments - Studio in Torrevieja
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2 Properties for Sale, Apartments - Studio in Torrevieja
Studio Studio
Torrevieja, Torrevieja Centro, Alicante
Used · 45m²
With Swimming Pool
72.900 €
Your next home awaits you in Playa del Cura! This charming studio for sale is a unique opportunity that you won’t want to miss. Located on the top floor, it offers panoramic views and a 45 m² space full of light, ideal for those who want to enjoy the coastal lifestyle.
The communal pool is perfect for cooling off on sunny days and relaxing outdoors. With an exceptional location, this studio is just a short walk from supermarkets, schools and other amenities, making it a smart and convenient investment.
The property has a well-maintained bathroom and heating system, ready to move in immediately. Located on the 5th floor of a building with a lift, it guarantees the comfort and accessibility you need.
Don’t miss this opportunity to live near the sea with all the comforts. Come and see it and discover your new home in Playa del Cura!
The communal pool is perfect for cooling off on sunny days and relaxing outdoors. With an exceptional location, this studio is just a short walk from supermarkets, schools and other amenities, making it a smart and convenient investment.
The property has a well-maintained bathroom and heating system, ready to move in immediately. Located on the 5th floor of a building with a lift, it guarantees the comfort and accessibility you need.
Don’t miss this opportunity to live near the sea with all the comforts. Come and see it and discover your new home in Playa del Cura!
Studio Studio
Centro - Muelle Pesquero, Torrevieja Centro, Alicante
Used · 45m²
84.000 €
Now you have the opportunity to get a really cozy little apartment in the center of Torrevieja.
The apartment is located at the top and is 45 square meters
It has a spacious living room, which can easily be converted into a bedroom when you go to bed.
Lovely balcony where you can enjoy your morning coffee, or cozy evenings with something good in the glass.
In addition, there is a functional kitchen and a complete bathroom.
There is a lift in the building, in addition there is a shared roof terrace, which is almost private as there are only 8 apartments in this small block of flats.
The property is sold furnished
Only 700 meters to the Mediterranean and the seafront
Walking distance to absolutely everything you need.
Economy :
Asking price €84,000 + approx. 12% in taxes
Rubbish fee: €21.35 x 2 per year
Common expenses: €115.75 per trimester
Suma/ibi/ tax :€162.96 per year
Torrevieja is a city in the province of Alicante in the region of Comunidad Valenciana in Spain. The town is a popular tourist destination, located approximately 40 minutes drive from the city of Alicante and the airport. Torrevieja was originally a small fishing village, and is today one of Europe’s largest salt producers, Torrevieja has previously been called the ’salt city’, but in recent years the city has also been called the ’sports city’, because of the large sports arenas that have been built in last years. As a result of this fantastic investment, Torrevieja was one of four host cities of the 2021 Women’s Handball World Cup.
When you live in Torrevieja, you are a short walk to white, long sandy beaches with the ’blue flag’ stamp, as an indication of, among other things, high water quality. In the immediate vicinity and often ’right outside’ the door, you will find a large selection of local shops, restaurants, cafes, shopping centres, green parks, the harbor and the promenade. If you are looking for an area that is alive all year round and with a healthy microclimate with 320 days of sunshine a year, this could be for you.
Get in touch today and we’ll tell you more.
The apartment is located at the top and is 45 square meters
It has a spacious living room, which can easily be converted into a bedroom when you go to bed.
Lovely balcony where you can enjoy your morning coffee, or cozy evenings with something good in the glass.
In addition, there is a functional kitchen and a complete bathroom.
There is a lift in the building, in addition there is a shared roof terrace, which is almost private as there are only 8 apartments in this small block of flats.
The property is sold furnished
Only 700 meters to the Mediterranean and the seafront
Walking distance to absolutely everything you need.
Economy :
Asking price €84,000 + approx. 12% in taxes
Rubbish fee: €21.35 x 2 per year
Common expenses: €115.75 per trimester
Suma/ibi/ tax :€162.96 per year
Torrevieja is a city in the province of Alicante in the region of Comunidad Valenciana in Spain. The town is a popular tourist destination, located approximately 40 minutes drive from the city of Alicante and the airport. Torrevieja was originally a small fishing village, and is today one of Europe’s largest salt producers, Torrevieja has previously been called the ’salt city’, but in recent years the city has also been called the ’sports city’, because of the large sports arenas that have been built in last years. As a result of this fantastic investment, Torrevieja was one of four host cities of the 2021 Women’s Handball World Cup.
When you live in Torrevieja, you are a short walk to white, long sandy beaches with the ’blue flag’ stamp, as an indication of, among other things, high water quality. In the immediate vicinity and often ’right outside’ the door, you will find a large selection of local shops, restaurants, cafes, shopping centres, green parks, the harbor and the promenade. If you are looking for an area that is alive all year round and with a healthy microclimate with 320 days of sunshine a year, this could be for you.
Get in touch today and we’ll tell you more.
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Properties for Sale, Apartments - Studio Studio Used, in Alicante, Torrevieja Centro, Centro - Muelle Pesquero, near city center, school, has terrace