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Land with Energy Certificate G, most recent, for Sale, in Argentona
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Land with Energy Certificate G, most recent, for Sale, in Argentona
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Argentona Centro, Barcelona
Used · 597m²
450.000 €
Wonderful corner plot in the town of Argentona
Located on Avenida Doctor Farrero, it is on the corner, completely flat and measures 597m². It has a cistern for collecting rainwater, prepared with a motor for the irrigation of the garden.
It has all the services at street level. The surroundings are all houses with gardens, it is very quiet and residential, located only 800m from the centre of the village.
The town of Argentona has all the services and is very well connected to the whole region and Barcelona in terms of public transport.
The area, according to urban planning regulations, is called a single-family expansion in the urban area Subzone 6.
The minimum plot is set at 350 m² with a minimum plot façade of 12 m².
The net buildability index per plot is set at 0.50 m² of roof per m² of land.
The maximum occupancy rate of the plot by the building will be 25% of its surface area, i.e. 150m² per floor.
The maximum height is set at 7.00 metres, corresponding to the ground floor plus the ground floor.
Maximum ceiling per building unit 300 m².
The minimum separations of the building at the street limit will be 4 meters, and 2 meters at the other neighbouring boundaries.
Basement: The basement is allowed, which must respect the maximum occupancy percentage of the plot.
Auxiliary and sports buildings, such as garages, changing rooms, gardening roofs or others, will be counted within the maximum buildable area and occupancy allowed in each area, respecting the separations to plot boundaries established in it.
The installation of sports facilities, swimming pools, pelota courts, tennis courts and the like is allowed on the site, as outdoor facilities that will not be counted for the purposes of building or occupancy. It will be allowed for these installations to be located within the strip of land fixed as a separation from the building to the limits of the plot, provided that the height of their fences is at most that fixed by the fences of the plot.
The ’barbecue’ installations will be separated by a minimum of 6 m. from the thresholds of the neighbouring plot.
Located on Avenida Doctor Farrero, it is on the corner, completely flat and measures 597m². It has a cistern for collecting rainwater, prepared with a motor for the irrigation of the garden.
It has all the services at street level. The surroundings are all houses with gardens, it is very quiet and residential, located only 800m from the centre of the village.
The town of Argentona has all the services and is very well connected to the whole region and Barcelona in terms of public transport.
The area, according to urban planning regulations, is called a single-family expansion in the urban area Subzone 6.
The minimum plot is set at 350 m² with a minimum plot façade of 12 m².
The net buildability index per plot is set at 0.50 m² of roof per m² of land.
The maximum occupancy rate of the plot by the building will be 25% of its surface area, i.e. 150m² per floor.
The maximum height is set at 7.00 metres, corresponding to the ground floor plus the ground floor.
Maximum ceiling per building unit 300 m².
The minimum separations of the building at the street limit will be 4 meters, and 2 meters at the other neighbouring boundaries.
Basement: The basement is allowed, which must respect the maximum occupancy percentage of the plot.
Auxiliary and sports buildings, such as garages, changing rooms, gardening roofs or others, will be counted within the maximum buildable area and occupancy allowed in each area, respecting the separations to plot boundaries established in it.
The installation of sports facilities, swimming pools, pelota courts, tennis courts and the like is allowed on the site, as outdoor facilities that will not be counted for the purposes of building or occupancy. It will be allowed for these installations to be located within the strip of land fixed as a separation from the building to the limits of the plot, provided that the height of their fences is at most that fixed by the fences of the plot.
The ’barbecue’ installations will be separated by a minimum of 6 m. from the thresholds of the neighbouring plot.
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