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2 Luxury 2 Bedrooms least recent, for Sale, in Barcelona, Valencia, Tarragona and Girona
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2 Luxury 2 Bedrooms least recent, for Sale, in Barcelona, Valencia, Tarragona and Girona
Attic 2 Bedrooms Duplex
Diagonal Mar i El Front Marítim del Poblenou, Sant Martí, Barcelona
New · 130m²
With Garage
2.200.000 €
Presenting an exquisite duplex penthouse nestled within the highly coveted urbanization of Illa de Mar, located in the prestigious Diagonal Mar district of Barcelona.
This impressive penthouse boasts a substantial built net area of 130m2, accompanied by a sprawling terrace of 82m2, offering unobstructed views of the resplendent Mediterranean Sea, complete with a captivating jacuzzi for indulgent relaxation.
Upon entering the residence, you are greeted by an inviting entrance hall that leads seamlessly into the comfortable and spacious living-dining room. A standout feature of this elegant space is its seamless fusion with the ’L’-shaped terrace, enveloping the entire floor. Abundant natural light, an ambiance of privacy, and a dynamic interplay between indoor and outdoor spaces define this exceptional architectural gem. The semi-open, fully equipped kitchen adds to the allure of this sophisticated abode.
The upper floor of the penthouse houses a versatile open space, basking in natural light, providing a delightful area for work or leisure activities.
The property offers two generously proportioned double bedrooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom. The master bedroom, located on the upper floor, showcases a lavish en-suite complete with a dressing area, bath-jacuzzi, and commanding frontal sea views, epitomizing indulgent coastal living. The second bedroom, also en-suite, is conveniently located on the ground floor and has direct access to the terrace.
Residents of this exclusive urbanization have the privilege of indulging in an array of communal amenities, including two swimming pools, verdant green gardens, a paddle tennis court, gym, sauna, and a social club. The peace of mind of 24-hour security and concierge services are an invaluable addition. Furthermore, the property includes a parking space and a storage room for added convenience.
This duplex penthouse epitomizes sophistication and offers a lifestyle of unparalleled luxury and refinement in one of Barcelona’s most sought-after locations.
This impressive penthouse boasts a substantial built net area of 130m2, accompanied by a sprawling terrace of 82m2, offering unobstructed views of the resplendent Mediterranean Sea, complete with a captivating jacuzzi for indulgent relaxation.
Upon entering the residence, you are greeted by an inviting entrance hall that leads seamlessly into the comfortable and spacious living-dining room. A standout feature of this elegant space is its seamless fusion with the ’L’-shaped terrace, enveloping the entire floor. Abundant natural light, an ambiance of privacy, and a dynamic interplay between indoor and outdoor spaces define this exceptional architectural gem. The semi-open, fully equipped kitchen adds to the allure of this sophisticated abode.
The upper floor of the penthouse houses a versatile open space, basking in natural light, providing a delightful area for work or leisure activities.
The property offers two generously proportioned double bedrooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom. The master bedroom, located on the upper floor, showcases a lavish en-suite complete with a dressing area, bath-jacuzzi, and commanding frontal sea views, epitomizing indulgent coastal living. The second bedroom, also en-suite, is conveniently located on the ground floor and has direct access to the terrace.
Residents of this exclusive urbanization have the privilege of indulging in an array of communal amenities, including two swimming pools, verdant green gardens, a paddle tennis court, gym, sauna, and a social club. The peace of mind of 24-hour security and concierge services are an invaluable addition. Furthermore, the property includes a parking space and a storage room for added convenience.
This duplex penthouse epitomizes sophistication and offers a lifestyle of unparalleled luxury and refinement in one of Barcelona’s most sought-after locations.
Attic 2 Bedrooms
Diagonal Mar i El Front Marítim del Poblenou, Sant Martí, Barcelona
New · 183m²
With Garage
3.150.000 €
We present this exclusive and dazzling duplex penthouse, located on the beachfront, which offers a combination of style, modernity and comfort in one place, in one of the most prestigious areas of the city, the Diagonal Mar Area. This incredible penthouse has been completely renovated, providing an ideal space for those looking for luxury. It now offers two spacious bedroom areas, both en-suite, one with a shower and the other with a shower and jacuzzi integrated into the sleeping area.
On the ground floor, you will find a spacious and light-filled environment with impressive staircases that look spectacular. This area maximises panoramic views of the sea and the entire city of Barcelona, both during sunny days and at night with the city lights. In this area, you have the living room with floor to ceiling windows that offer stunning views and allow natural light to flood every corner of the home almost all day. The lounge, kitchen and downstairs bedroom have access to the huge L-shaped terrace with extra space and a private jacuzzi.
The design of this penthouse has been complemented by high-quality materials, creating a cosy, elegant and tranquil atmosphere.
The kitchen is partially open to the living room and is equipped with the latest appliances and high-quality finishes.
On the top floor of the penthouse, there is a space perfectly designed for an office with views of the entire city, or it can be used for other purposes that you deem suitable. From this area, you have access to the master bedroom, which includes an open bathroom with shower and jacuzzi.
The penthouse is located in one of the best areas of Barcelona, in the most exclusive building in the Diagonal Mar area, which offers additional services such as swimming pools for adults and children, paddle tennis court, meeting room, sauna, gym, concierge service, and 24-hour security and video surveillance, ensuring a safe and comfortable living experience.
The building is only 2 minutes from the beach and surrounded by three large green areas, plus shops, restaurants and one of the largest shopping centres, Diagonal Mar, which has entertainment venues that make life in the area a real delight.
The price includes 2 parking spaces. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to live in this dazzling penthouse, where comfort meets luxury in front of the Mediterranean Sea.
Contact us today to arrange a viewing and see everything described with your own eyes! WhatsApp +34/697/685/734.
On the ground floor, you will find a spacious and light-filled environment with impressive staircases that look spectacular. This area maximises panoramic views of the sea and the entire city of Barcelona, both during sunny days and at night with the city lights. In this area, you have the living room with floor to ceiling windows that offer stunning views and allow natural light to flood every corner of the home almost all day. The lounge, kitchen and downstairs bedroom have access to the huge L-shaped terrace with extra space and a private jacuzzi.
The design of this penthouse has been complemented by high-quality materials, creating a cosy, elegant and tranquil atmosphere.
The kitchen is partially open to the living room and is equipped with the latest appliances and high-quality finishes.
On the top floor of the penthouse, there is a space perfectly designed for an office with views of the entire city, or it can be used for other purposes that you deem suitable. From this area, you have access to the master bedroom, which includes an open bathroom with shower and jacuzzi.
The penthouse is located in one of the best areas of Barcelona, in the most exclusive building in the Diagonal Mar area, which offers additional services such as swimming pools for adults and children, paddle tennis court, meeting room, sauna, gym, concierge service, and 24-hour security and video surveillance, ensuring a safe and comfortable living experience.
The building is only 2 minutes from the beach and surrounded by three large green areas, plus shops, restaurants and one of the largest shopping centres, Diagonal Mar, which has entertainment venues that make life in the area a real delight.
The price includes 2 parking spaces. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to live in this dazzling penthouse, where comfort meets luxury in front of the Mediterranean Sea.
Contact us today to arrange a viewing and see everything described with your own eyes! WhatsApp +34/697/685/734.
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