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Luxury 4 Bedrooms New, for Sale, in Sant Joan d'Alacant
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Luxury 4 Bedrooms New, for Sale, in Sant Joan d'Alacant
Villa 4 Bedrooms
Parque Ansaldo, Sant Joan d'Alacant Centro, Alicante
New · 122m²
With Garage
100.000.000 €
For sale a modern house near the beautiful beach of San Juan.
We present a turnkey semi-detached villa located in a prestigious area loved by all the people of Spain - San Juan, in the province of Alicante.
The villa has a fully equipped open-plan kitchen ( induction hob on the kitchen island, built-in oven and microwave in the column, worktop and worktop front in compact quartz). with dining and living room with direct access to the terrace and garden with private pool where you can relax in the Spanish sun.
This exclusive house has 4 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes and 3 fully equipped bathrooms. In addition, the property has 3 parking spaces. This new, spacious and very bright house is located in a quiet area, just a 20-minute walk from the beautiful San Juan beach and a 15-minute drive from the centre of Alicante.
Key Ready!
Location :
San Joan is a coastal city located in the province of Alicante. Located on the Costa Blanca, it borders the cities of Alicante (7 km) and El Campello (3 km). Thanks to the unique, fine-sand beach, colorful streets, green parks, atmospheric restaurants and great pubs, it attracts tourists practically at any time of the year.
Recognized as one of the most beautiful beaches in the province of Alicante, San Juan beach is located near the fishing village of El Campello on Cape Cabo de las Huertas. San Juan Beach is 7 kilometers of golden sand combined with an intimate promenade, surrounded by pubs and restaurants. It is ideal both for people who like passive recreation on the sand and for fans of water sports - in the area you can easily find several sports centers that rent water equipment.
San Juan is also adjacent to the Alicante Golf course. The beach receives the Blue Flag, a special certificate of the European Union, every year, so it is very clean and safe.
The beach is just 25 km from Alicante International Airport. This convenience attracts not only Spanish families looking for a weekend getaway.
Legend has it that in ancient times, when Spain was ruled by the Moors, the beautiful Moorish queen used to bathe in the local beach cove among the rocks. This story is certainly an additional attraction for tourists who are always happy to listen to legends and tales about the visited place.
It’s no secret that Spaniards love to party and celebrate, and the magical St. Jana, or Fiesta de San Juan, is one of the most awaited holidays in this country.
Hogueras de San Juan is celebrated from June 19-24. We can expect various dance parties, parades, fireworks shows, tasting traditional dishes. The most important role here, however, is played by fire, which is a symbol of this festival of immense importance.
Hogueras de San Juan begins on June 19, when colorful sculptures made of paper, cardboard or wood appear on the streets. The constructions are represented by every district of Alicante. Then the fun, dancing and singing begins and the city does not sleep at this time. The Feast of the Fire of St. John is also accompanied by the traditional bullfights at the Korrida in Alicante. There is also no shortage of specially prepared dishes for this occasion. These are, for example, brevas and cocas, i.e. cakes stuffed with tuna, onions and nuts.
The culminating moment is the Midsummer Night from 23 to 24 June. After impressive parades through the streets of the city, the sculptures are burned, creating an incredible effect. Each district prepares its sculpture, which very often are figures from the world of culture or politics. Also, the inhabitants of the city dress up in traditional folk costumes to give even more value and great fun to this holiday.
A visit says more than any description!
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to make an appointment.
If you are interested, please provide full contact details.
The description of the property is based in whole or in part on information provided by the owner.
We take no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness.
If you are looking for a specific property or apartment, please contact us,
and we will do our best to make your dreams come true.
Here you will be amazed by the wide golden sand beach and the great cultural, gastronomic and recreational offer. If you visit San Juan at least once, it will stay in your heart for a long time. It is an ideal house for investment with the possibility of renting all year round.
We present a turnkey semi-detached villa located in a prestigious area loved by all the people of Spain - San Juan, in the province of Alicante.
The villa has a fully equipped open-plan kitchen ( induction hob on the kitchen island, built-in oven and microwave in the column, worktop and worktop front in compact quartz). with dining and living room with direct access to the terrace and garden with private pool where you can relax in the Spanish sun.
This exclusive house has 4 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes and 3 fully equipped bathrooms. In addition, the property has 3 parking spaces. This new, spacious and very bright house is located in a quiet area, just a 20-minute walk from the beautiful San Juan beach and a 15-minute drive from the centre of Alicante.
Key Ready!
Location :
San Joan is a coastal city located in the province of Alicante. Located on the Costa Blanca, it borders the cities of Alicante (7 km) and El Campello (3 km). Thanks to the unique, fine-sand beach, colorful streets, green parks, atmospheric restaurants and great pubs, it attracts tourists practically at any time of the year.
Recognized as one of the most beautiful beaches in the province of Alicante, San Juan beach is located near the fishing village of El Campello on Cape Cabo de las Huertas. San Juan Beach is 7 kilometers of golden sand combined with an intimate promenade, surrounded by pubs and restaurants. It is ideal both for people who like passive recreation on the sand and for fans of water sports - in the area you can easily find several sports centers that rent water equipment.
San Juan is also adjacent to the Alicante Golf course. The beach receives the Blue Flag, a special certificate of the European Union, every year, so it is very clean and safe.
The beach is just 25 km from Alicante International Airport. This convenience attracts not only Spanish families looking for a weekend getaway.
Legend has it that in ancient times, when Spain was ruled by the Moors, the beautiful Moorish queen used to bathe in the local beach cove among the rocks. This story is certainly an additional attraction for tourists who are always happy to listen to legends and tales about the visited place.
It’s no secret that Spaniards love to party and celebrate, and the magical St. Jana, or Fiesta de San Juan, is one of the most awaited holidays in this country.
Hogueras de San Juan is celebrated from June 19-24. We can expect various dance parties, parades, fireworks shows, tasting traditional dishes. The most important role here, however, is played by fire, which is a symbol of this festival of immense importance.
Hogueras de San Juan begins on June 19, when colorful sculptures made of paper, cardboard or wood appear on the streets. The constructions are represented by every district of Alicante. Then the fun, dancing and singing begins and the city does not sleep at this time. The Feast of the Fire of St. John is also accompanied by the traditional bullfights at the Korrida in Alicante. There is also no shortage of specially prepared dishes for this occasion. These are, for example, brevas and cocas, i.e. cakes stuffed with tuna, onions and nuts.
The culminating moment is the Midsummer Night from 23 to 24 June. After impressive parades through the streets of the city, the sculptures are burned, creating an incredible effect. Each district prepares its sculpture, which very often are figures from the world of culture or politics. Also, the inhabitants of the city dress up in traditional folk costumes to give even more value and great fun to this holiday.
A visit says more than any description!
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to make an appointment.
If you are interested, please provide full contact details.
The description of the property is based in whole or in part on information provided by the owner.
We take no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness.
If you are looking for a specific property or apartment, please contact us,
and we will do our best to make your dreams come true.
Here you will be amazed by the wide golden sand beach and the great cultural, gastronomic and recreational offer. If you visit San Juan at least once, it will stay in your heart for a long time. It is an ideal house for investment with the possibility of renting all year round.
See more Luxury New, for Sale, in Sant Joan d'Alacant
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