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- Tarragona
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- Alcanar
- Alcover
- Aldover
- Alfara de Carles
- Alforja
- Alió
- Almoster
- Altafulla
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- Bellvei
- Benifallet
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- Bot
- Botarell
- Bràfim
- Cabacés
- Cabra del Camp
- Calafell
- Camarles
- Cambrils
- Capafonts
- Capçanes
- Caseres
- Castellvell del Camp
- Colldejou
- Conesa
- Constantí
- Corbera d'Ebre
- Cornudella de Montsant
- Creixell
- Cunit
- Deltebre
- Duesaigües
- El Catllar
- El Lloar
- El Masroig
- El Milà
- El Molar
- El Montmell
- El Morell
- El Perelló
- El Pinell de Brai
- El Pla de Santa Maria
- El Pont d'Armentera
- El Rourell
- El Vendrell
- Els Garidells
- Els Guiamets
- Els Muntells
- Els Pallaresos
- Falset
- Figuerola del Camp
- Flix
- Forès
- Freginals
- Gandesa
- Garcia
- Ginestar
- Godall
- Gratallops
- Horta de Sant Joan
- La Bisbal de Falset
- La Bisbal del Penedès
- La Canonja
- La Fatarella
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- La Figuera
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- La Morera de Montsant
- La Nou de Gaià
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- La Pobla de Mafumet
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- La Selva del Camp
- La Sénia
- La Torre de Fontaubella
- La Torre de l'Espanyol
- La Vilella Alta
- La Vilella Baixa
- L'Albiol
- L'Aldea
- L'Aleixar
- L'Ametlla de Mar
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- Les Borges del Camp
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- Rotglà i Corberà
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- Rugat
- Sagunto / Sagunt
- Salem
- San Antonio de Benagéber
- San Juan de Énova
- Sedaví
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- Balaguer
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- Bell-lloc d'Urgell
- Bellmunt d'Urgell
- Bellpuig
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- Bellvís
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- Benòs
- Betlan
- Betren
- Biosca
- Boi
- Bossòst
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- Butsènit
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- Cabó
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- Canejan
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- Casau
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- Castellar de la Ribera
- Castelldans
- Castellnou de Seana
- Castelló de Farfanya
- Castellserà
- Cava
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- Ciutadilla
- Clariana de Cardener
- Coll de Nargó
- Conca de Dalt
- Corbins
- Cubells
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- El Palau d'Anglesola
- El Poal
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- El Pont de Suert
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- El Vilosell
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- Els Omells de na Gaia
- Els Plans de Sió
- Els Torms
- Es Bòrdes
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- Espot
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- Esterri de Cardós
- Farrera
- Fígols i Alinyà
- Fondarella
- Foradada
- Fulleda
- Garòs
- Gausac
- Gavet de la Conca
- Gesa
- Gimenells i el Pla de la Font
- Golmés
- Gósol
- Granyanella
- Granyena de les Garrigues
- Granyena de Segarra
- Gualda
- Guimerà
- Guissona
- Guixers
- Isona i Conca Dellà
- Ivars de Noguera
- Ivars d'Urgell
- Ivorra
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- Juneda
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- La Coma i la Pedra
- La Floresta
- La Fuliola
- La Granadella
- La Granja d'Escarp
- La Guingueta d'Àneu
- La Molsosa
- La Pobla de Cérvoles
- La Pobla de Segur
- La Portella
- La Sentiu de Sió
- La Seu d'Urgell
- La Torre de Cabdella
- La Vall de Boí
- La Vansa i Fórnols
- L'Albagés
- L'Albi
- Les
- Les Avellanes i Santa Linya
- Les Basses d'Alpicat
- Les Borges Blanques
- Les Oluges
- Les Torres de Sanui
- Les Valls d'Aguilar
- Les Valls de Valira
- L'Espluga Calba
- Linyola
- Lladorre
- Lladurs
- Llardecans
- Llavorsí
- Lleida
- Lles de Cerdanya
- Llimiana
- Llivia
- Llobera
- Maials
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- Massoteres
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- Miralcamp
- Mollerussa
- Mont
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- Montferrer i Castellbò
- Montgai
- Montgarri
- Montoliu de Lleida
- Montoliu de Segarra
- Montornès de Segarra
- Nalec
- Naut Aran
- Navès
- Odèn
- Oliana
- Oliola
- Olius
- Organyà
- Os de Balaguer
- Ossó de Sió
- Pallars Jussá
- Penelles
- Peramola
- Pinell de Solsonès
- Pinós
- Pla de l'Ermita
- Pontaut
- Ponts
- Prats i Sansor
- Preixana
- Preixens
- Prullans
- Puiggròs
- Puigverd d'Agramunt
- Puigverd de Lleida
- Raimat
- Rialp
- Ribera d'Ondara
- Ribera d'Urgellet
- Riner
- Riu de Cerdanya
- Rosselló
- Salardú
- Salàs de Pallars
- Sanaüja
- Sant Esteve de la Sarga
- Sant Guim de Freixenet
- Sant Guim de la Plana
- Sant Joan de Toran
- Sant Llorenç de Morunys
- Sant Martí de Riucorb
- Sant Ramon
- Sarroca de Bellera
- Sarroca de Lleida
- Senterada
- Seròs
- Sidamon
- Solsona
- Soriguera
- Sort
- Soses
- Suchs
- Sudanell
- Sunyer
- Talarn
- Talavera
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- Tarrés
- Tarroja de Segarra
- Taüll
- Térmens
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- Torrefarrera
- Torrefeta i Florejacs
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- Tremp
- Unha
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- Vallfogona de Balaguer
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- Es Castell
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- Ferreries
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- Albanyà
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- Alp
- Amer
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- Begur
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- Calonge
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- Cistella
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- Colomers
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- Crespià
- Cruïlles, Monells i Sant Sadurní de l'Heura
- Darnius
- Das
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- El Port de la Selva
- Empuriabrava
- Espinelves
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- Esponellà
- Figueres
- Flaçà
- Foixà
- Fontanals de Cerdanya
- Fontanilles
- Fontcoberta
- Forallac
- Fornells de la Selva
- Fortià
- Garrigàs
- Garrigoles
- Garriguella
- Ger
- Girona
- Gombrèn
- Gualta
- Guils de Cerdanya
- Hostalric
- Isòvol
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- Molló
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- Mont-ras
- Navata
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- Ordis
- Osor
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- Palau de Santa Eulàlia
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- Palau-saverdera
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- Pals
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- Parlavà
- Pau
- Pedret i Marzà
- Peralada
- Planoles
- Pont de Molins
- Pontós
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- Portbou
- Puigcerdà
- Quart
- Queralbs
- Rabós
- Regencós
- Ribes de Freser
- Riells i Viabrea
- Ripoll
- Riudarenes
- Riudaura
- Riudellots de la Selva
- Riumors
- Roses
- Rupià
- Sales de Llierca
- Salt
- Sant Andreu Salou
- Sant Aniol de Finestres
- Sant Climent Sescebes
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- Sant Feliu de Guíxols
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- Sant Ferriol
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- Sant Joan les Fonts
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- Sant Llorenç de la Muga
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- Sant Martí Vell
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- Sant Pau de Segúries
- Sant Pere Pescador
- Santa Coloma de Farners
- Santa Cristina d'Aro
- Santa Llogaia d'Àlguema
- Santa Pau
- Sarrià de Ter
- Saus, Camallera i Llampaies
- Serinyà
- Serra de Daró
- Setcases
- Sils
- Siurana
- Susqueda
- Terrades
- Torrent
- Torroella de Fluvià
- Torroella de Montgrí
- Tortellà
- Toses
- Tossa de Mar
- Ullà
- Ullastret
- Ultramort
- Urús
- Vallfogona de Ripollès
- Vall-llobrega
- Ventalló
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- Viladasens
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- Vilafant
- Vilajuïga
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- Vilamacolum
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- Vilaür
- Vilobí d'Onyar
- Vilopriu
3 Houses in El Vendrell
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3 Houses in El Vendrell
House 15 Bedrooms
El Vendrell Centre, Tarragona
With Incentive Program for Rehabilitation · 2,200m²
1.650.000 €
Located only 30 mins from Sitges, 45 mins from Barcelona airport and one hour from Barcelona city centre.
It is also only 15 minutes to the clean beaches in Calafell.
Also uniquely located within walking distance of a little village in the picturesque wine growing region of Peñedes.
Currently semi -renovated, this can be finished to the new owners desires.
Commercial options:Wellness retreat, Wedding facility, other events as well as a B and B or Rural Hotel. Has LICENSE
It comprises of the main house with a renovated apartment in the attic floor, ideal for the owners to live in whilst renting the rest of the property.There is also a care-takers house which can be rented as luxury accomodation for guests., and the Chapel , great for weddings as well as Yoga in the colder months.
The main house is distributed in three floors of good construction and state of conservation. It has a ground floor with large living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom, bathroom and guest toilet. Mezzanine with master bedroom with bathroom. Ground floor with large living room, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Annex mezzanine with three bedrooms and dressing room. Second floor also habitable.
In the first auxiliary dwelling we have a two-storey house, ground floor with entrance-living room, kitchen and a bathroom. First floor with three bedrooms.
In the second auxiliary house also with two floors, of good construction with fireplace. Ground floor with dining room and kitchen. First floor with 2 bedrooms and bathroom.
Other outbuildings are for example stables, cellar, storeroom and garages.
The house has a large interior garden of 4.000 m2 with a renovated 15x7 m swimming pool, with coloured lights, and two changing rooms. At the entrance to the finca on the left hand side there is a catholic chapel suitable for events.
Farmhouse with private access from the road. Facing south-east with maximum use of air conditioning and sunlight. From the upper terrace we can see the sea and the immensity of the Penedès covered with vineyards.
The house is located in the area of Llorenç del Penedès, Tarragona. The property is totally isolated with no interaction with neighbours due to its good location.
Perfect for commercial exploitation .
please contact us to arrange a whattsapp video tour.
It is also only 15 minutes to the clean beaches in Calafell.
Also uniquely located within walking distance of a little village in the picturesque wine growing region of Peñedes.
Currently semi -renovated, this can be finished to the new owners desires.
Commercial options:Wellness retreat, Wedding facility, other events as well as a B and B or Rural Hotel. Has LICENSE
It comprises of the main house with a renovated apartment in the attic floor, ideal for the owners to live in whilst renting the rest of the property.There is also a care-takers house which can be rented as luxury accomodation for guests., and the Chapel , great for weddings as well as Yoga in the colder months.
The main house is distributed in three floors of good construction and state of conservation. It has a ground floor with large living room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom, bathroom and guest toilet. Mezzanine with master bedroom with bathroom. Ground floor with large living room, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Annex mezzanine with three bedrooms and dressing room. Second floor also habitable.
In the first auxiliary dwelling we have a two-storey house, ground floor with entrance-living room, kitchen and a bathroom. First floor with three bedrooms.
In the second auxiliary house also with two floors, of good construction with fireplace. Ground floor with dining room and kitchen. First floor with 2 bedrooms and bathroom.
Other outbuildings are for example stables, cellar, storeroom and garages.
The house has a large interior garden of 4.000 m2 with a renovated 15x7 m swimming pool, with coloured lights, and two changing rooms. At the entrance to the finca on the left hand side there is a catholic chapel suitable for events.
Farmhouse with private access from the road. Facing south-east with maximum use of air conditioning and sunlight. From the upper terrace we can see the sea and the immensity of the Penedès covered with vineyards.
The house is located in the area of Llorenç del Penedès, Tarragona. The property is totally isolated with no interaction with neighbours due to its good location.
Perfect for commercial exploitation .
please contact us to arrange a whattsapp video tour.
Detached House 7 Bedrooms
Coma-Ruga, El Vendrell, Tarragona
Used · 300m²
With Garage
673.500 €
We find this unique individual villa in Comarruga, 100 meters from the beach!
The house is completely renovated with top quality materials. 2 completely independent houses and a garden with a heated indoor pool. It is located in a very quiet area, ideal for a family environment, it has easy access to all public services (bus lines, postal service, supermarket, etc.)
The house has 300 m² + 401 m² of its own plot.
On the ground floor (143 m²): Entrance hall, living-dining room, fully equipped independent kitchen with access to the garden, 3 double bedrooms and 2 complete bathrooms.
On floor 1 (113 m²): Entrance hall, living-dining room, fully equipped independent kitchen with access to a terrace, 3 double bedrooms and 1 single bedroom, 1 full bathroom and 1 courtesy toilet.
In the garden (401 m²): Garden that surrounds the entire house (non-slip ceramic flooring on the perimeter of the house and grassy garden with trees) with porch and terrace areas, covered and heated swimming pool, closed barbecue area and storage/ closed storage room.
Extras: All rooms in the house have air conditioning and heat pump with independent outdoor units for each floor, fiber optics, electricity, city gas, solar panels for heating tap water and pool water, gas boiler for hot water, tilt and turn aluminum exterior carpentry with double glazing and motorized shutters, the ground floor glazing without metal locks has laminated glass for your safety, totally exterior and with lots of light!
Its orientation is highly sunny on all four facades, a quiet area, very well
communicated by train, public transport, with national highways and the Mediterranean highway, 40 minutes from the
El Prat airport and 60 km from Barcelona.
The house is completely renovated with top quality materials. 2 completely independent houses and a garden with a heated indoor pool. It is located in a very quiet area, ideal for a family environment, it has easy access to all public services (bus lines, postal service, supermarket, etc.)
The house has 300 m² + 401 m² of its own plot.
On the ground floor (143 m²): Entrance hall, living-dining room, fully equipped independent kitchen with access to the garden, 3 double bedrooms and 2 complete bathrooms.
On floor 1 (113 m²): Entrance hall, living-dining room, fully equipped independent kitchen with access to a terrace, 3 double bedrooms and 1 single bedroom, 1 full bathroom and 1 courtesy toilet.
In the garden (401 m²): Garden that surrounds the entire house (non-slip ceramic flooring on the perimeter of the house and grassy garden with trees) with porch and terrace areas, covered and heated swimming pool, closed barbecue area and storage/ closed storage room.
Extras: All rooms in the house have air conditioning and heat pump with independent outdoor units for each floor, fiber optics, electricity, city gas, solar panels for heating tap water and pool water, gas boiler for hot water, tilt and turn aluminum exterior carpentry with double glazing and motorized shutters, the ground floor glazing without metal locks has laminated glass for your safety, totally exterior and with lots of light!
Its orientation is highly sunny on all four facades, a quiet area, very well
communicated by train, public transport, with national highways and the Mediterranean highway, 40 minutes from the
El Prat airport and 60 km from Barcelona.
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