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2 Houses - House least recent, in Navata
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2 Houses - House least recent, in Navata
House 4 Bedrooms
Torremirona, Navata, Girona
In project · 250m²
With Garage
830.000 €
This elegant designer home, situated in a privileged location within the exclusive Torremirona Golf Club, offers an ideal layout on a single floor, optimising both comfort and lifestyle.
From the entrance hall, you enter a spacious and bright living and dining room with a modern open plan kitchen that opens onto the garden and swimming pool, providing a perfect setting to enjoy the views outside. The property has four bedrooms, one of them en suite with dressing room, providing privacy and luxury. Furthermore, an additional full bathroom, guest toilet and laundry room ensure maximum functionality for everyday living.
The exterior of the house does not disappoint, with a manicured garden surrounding a 5 x 8 metre swimming pool, perfect for relaxing and enjoying the weather. The enclosed garage has capacity for 2 cars, and is complemented by outdoor parking for 2 more cars. Technical features include ducted air conditioning, an efficient aerothermal system, double glazed windows and electric blinds, as well as an alarm system. All this with the peace of mind of being in an area with private security.
This house is a unique opportunity to personalise every detail and enjoy the comfort of a new home in an unbeatable setting.
From the entrance hall, you enter a spacious and bright living and dining room with a modern open plan kitchen that opens onto the garden and swimming pool, providing a perfect setting to enjoy the views outside. The property has four bedrooms, one of them en suite with dressing room, providing privacy and luxury. Furthermore, an additional full bathroom, guest toilet and laundry room ensure maximum functionality for everyday living.
The exterior of the house does not disappoint, with a manicured garden surrounding a 5 x 8 metre swimming pool, perfect for relaxing and enjoying the weather. The enclosed garage has capacity for 2 cars, and is complemented by outdoor parking for 2 more cars. Technical features include ducted air conditioning, an efficient aerothermal system, double glazed windows and electric blinds, as well as an alarm system. All this with the peace of mind of being in an area with private security.
This house is a unique opportunity to personalise every detail and enjoy the comfort of a new home in an unbeatable setting.
House 3 Bedrooms
Torremirona, Navata, Girona
Used · 156m²
670.000 €
In the exclusive surroundings of the Torremirona Golf Club Resort, this fantastic ground floor house combines comfort and elegance in every detail. Upon entering, an entrance hall welcomes you to a spacious living-dining room with fireplace, where a modern open-plan kitchen is integrated. This open-plan space is perfect for sharing family moments and enjoying the warmth of home.
The sleeping area includes three bedrooms, all with views of the garden, ensuring a sense of tranquillity. One of the bedrooms is en-suite, with a full bathroom and dressing room. In addition, the house has a storage room and two additional bathrooms, one equipped with a relaxing bathtub and the other with a practical shower.
The exterior is one of the main attractions of the property, with a charming porch, perfect for outdoor dining and relaxing moments. The large garden, with its barbecue area, invites you to enjoy nature in a private setting.
The property is equipped with all the comforts: town gas system, an efficient hot/cold air conditioning system and propane gas heating. The double glazed windows provide ideal thermal and acoustic insulation, while the alarm system ensures security. There is a covered outdoor parking for two cars, which makes daily life easier. In addition, both the automatic irrigation system and the air conditioning system are controlled by wifi and there are mosquito nets at all exits for your peace of mind.
The community offers a number of exceptional services such as a large swimming pool, private security for the peace of mind of its residents, a spa for relaxing moments, the golf club and a supermarket within walking distance. This property is perfect for those looking for quality living in a privileged environment, surrounded by nature and with all amenities within easy reach.
The sleeping area includes three bedrooms, all with views of the garden, ensuring a sense of tranquillity. One of the bedrooms is en-suite, with a full bathroom and dressing room. In addition, the house has a storage room and two additional bathrooms, one equipped with a relaxing bathtub and the other with a practical shower.
The exterior is one of the main attractions of the property, with a charming porch, perfect for outdoor dining and relaxing moments. The large garden, with its barbecue area, invites you to enjoy nature in a private setting.
The property is equipped with all the comforts: town gas system, an efficient hot/cold air conditioning system and propane gas heating. The double glazed windows provide ideal thermal and acoustic insulation, while the alarm system ensures security. There is a covered outdoor parking for two cars, which makes daily life easier. In addition, both the automatic irrigation system and the air conditioning system are controlled by wifi and there are mosquito nets at all exits for your peace of mind.
The community offers a number of exceptional services such as a large swimming pool, private security for the peace of mind of its residents, a spa for relaxing moments, the golf club and a supermarket within walking distance. This property is perfect for those looking for quality living in a privileged environment, surrounded by nature and with all amenities within easy reach.
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Houses in Navata, with Garage/Parking
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Properties for Sale, Houses - House 3 Bedrooms Used, in Navata, Torremirona, has air conditioning, storage room, outdoor parking, entrance hall, garden, swimming pool