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2 Houses in Vall-llobrega
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2 Houses in Vall-llobrega
House 6 Bedrooms
Vall-Llobrega, Girona
Used · 1,350m²
850.000 €
Shop more housing for sale, on the road from Palamós to Palafrugell.
1350 m2 total area.
Basement 566 m2.
565 m2 ground floor.
House 220 m2.
Commercial + housing of 220m 2 with 6 bedrooms, kitchen, living room with fireplace, laundry room and 3 bathrooms.
1350 m2 total area.
Basement 566 m2.
565 m2 ground floor.
House 220 m2.
Commercial + housing of 220m 2 with 6 bedrooms, kitchen, living room with fireplace, laundry room and 3 bathrooms.
House 8 Bedrooms
Vall-Llobrega, Girona
Used · 248m²
With Swimming Pool
1.650.000 €
Plot has 13,217m2 (forest and garden) with a 275m2 construction from 1959, which is divided into two homes + 800m2 of tennis courts.
Main house: large living-dining room with fireplace with access to a terrace with views of the garden and pool, equipped kitchen, three suites, one of them with access to a large terrace, two double bedrooms, laundry area.
The loft house and the studio house have a joint entrance with later two independent entrances.
Loft house: living room and kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom.
Studio house: living room with access to the garden and private pool only for this studio, open kitchen, double bedroom, single bedroom and bathroom.
Exterior: 40 m2 pool with side shed to protect yourself from the sun, large porch with chill out area and summer dining room, barbecue area, tennis courts with night lighting and gym. Patio with summer dining room and barbecue. Covered with four parking spaces.
We highlight: Oil heating, air conditioning, automatic irrigation, 100,000L water well and alarm.
Between the towns of Palafrugell and Palamós. 10km from the Playa de Aro, Pals or Gualta golf courses. 3km from Castell beach and 5km from the beaches of Palamós, Calella, Llafranc, Tamariu and Begur. 25km from Girona city and its airport 80km from Barcelona and/or France.
Close to leisure, gastronomic, sports and cultural activities.
The data displayed in advertising is informative and provided by third parties. Fincas GRN Samons does not guarantee its authenticity. Advertisements are subject to errors, price changes and withdrawal from marketing without prior notice.
The expenses of the property transfer or VAT, notary and property registry will be borne exclusively by the purchasing party. The real estate agent’s brokerage costs are borne by the selling party.
The commercialized properties are sold without furniture.
Main house: large living-dining room with fireplace with access to a terrace with views of the garden and pool, equipped kitchen, three suites, one of them with access to a large terrace, two double bedrooms, laundry area.
The loft house and the studio house have a joint entrance with later two independent entrances.
Loft house: living room and kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom.
Studio house: living room with access to the garden and private pool only for this studio, open kitchen, double bedroom, single bedroom and bathroom.
Exterior: 40 m2 pool with side shed to protect yourself from the sun, large porch with chill out area and summer dining room, barbecue area, tennis courts with night lighting and gym. Patio with summer dining room and barbecue. Covered with four parking spaces.
We highlight: Oil heating, air conditioning, automatic irrigation, 100,000L water well and alarm.
Between the towns of Palafrugell and Palamós. 10km from the Playa de Aro, Pals or Gualta golf courses. 3km from Castell beach and 5km from the beaches of Palamós, Calella, Llafranc, Tamariu and Begur. 25km from Girona city and its airport 80km from Barcelona and/or France.
Close to leisure, gastronomic, sports and cultural activities.
The data displayed in advertising is informative and provided by third parties. Fincas GRN Samons does not guarantee its authenticity. Advertisements are subject to errors, price changes and withdrawal from marketing without prior notice.
The expenses of the property transfer or VAT, notary and property registry will be borne exclusively by the purchasing party. The real estate agent’s brokerage costs are borne by the selling party.
The commercialized properties are sold without furniture.
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